*By signing up, you’ll join my newsletter where I share inspiring and helpful content and offers. I never sell your info and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
I want to be a resilient leader and I’m assuming you do too. But what the heck is it really, resilience? Being resilient? Having resiliency? All great questions! Let’s cut the jargon and turn to the dictionary to help us simplify this popular word turned aspirational buzzword.
A great leader has the capacity to recover quickly from a triggered state (your mental and physiological response to stress). With the complex set of daily crises we’re all juggling, we can ‘fall’ into a triggered state of stress many times a day or even adopt it as our ‘normal’. This makes resiliency a core capacity for any leader in 2022. We must learn to lift ourselves up more quickly and more often so we can create the positive impacts we’re working so hard for.
I currently have 3 openings for new coaching clients & 1 opening for strategic advisory services – Learn More or Let’s Talk!
Consider this for yourself or share with a rockin’ climate shero in your life.
I’m so excited to get my services in the hands of those who need it, I’m offering a special 50% Friends & Family discount to all of you! If you’re reading this, then it means you’re in my circle and have touched my life in big or small ways – mention promo code, F&FLAUNCH50, to receive 50% off services through September 14, 2022.
I threw together this graphic to show you what is happening when you get or stay triggered. These days, we often race through life just accepting the ‘triggered’ stress state as our normal. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way and to raise the flag that operating in that state on a daily basis is hindering your leadership.
Retraining your brain / body reaction is easier than you think and is the foundational, regenerative capacity I help build with my 1:1 coaching clients. We can enlist the body to rewire our brains to reach for habits that help us:
Resiliency is your capacity, not to avoid being triggered, but to shorten the time it takes to recover back to a fully resourced state.
It’s inevitable that you’ll be thrown into your triggered, limbic/lizard brain – having the tools to notice and shift back to your resilient, thinking brain with grace and ease is a critical capacity for any leader during this complex time in human history. I’m here to help – let’s build that resiliency muscle!
Training has already started and is hitting the inboxes of all my subscribers. Sign up to receive my newsletters now and check my blog page for previous trainings you may have missed. I’m be sharing real, tangible ways to grow your capacity for resilience – no jargon, just effective results!
Everyone who is alive right now, could use some tools to access their resiliency. Can you think of anyone else who could benefit from growing their capacity to move from the left to the right side of the graphic above? Share this email with them now and have them SIGN UP NOW! We start Tuesday, July 19!
I’m super excited to share these easy and effective tools with you to build your resiliency, so you can make more clear and confident decisions. We need resilience to move forward together!
Wishing you freedom, growth & joy,
*By signing up, you’ll join my newsletter where I share inspiring and helpful content and offers. I never sell your info and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.