Resiliency Training

Resiliency training is all about building the #1 critical leadership capacity for 2022 and beyond – RESILIENCY. You’ll experience real, tangible ways to calm your overactive nervous system, so you can be a centered, confident and courageous leader. Power up – it’s leadership development that is immediately effective and easy to implement. With the shared crisis and complexities we have in common these days EVERYONE can benefit. Don’t miss out – SIGN UP for Resiliency Training – your self-guided online experiential course with Ellen Palmer, Regenerative Leadership Coach.


Resiliency Training

29 lessons
0 quizzes
18 students

Resiliency Training is all about building your resiliency muscle through experiential learning.

Following ecological examples, resiliency is our capacity to recover positively from a shock or stress. With the crisis and complexity in the world today, we all need to get intentional about building our resiliency.

Ready to learn more?

OPTION 1: I am so certain that Resiliency Training – increasing your ability to calm your nervous system – is so critical to effective leadership that I want to help as many people as I can, so I developed this online self-guided course. I am also offering the first video module of my easy and effective ‘Resiliency Training’ for free – watch the  video included on this page.

OPTION 2: For a quick overview, keep reading for a short synopsis below.

OPTION 3: Check out a more in-depth description here.


RESILIENCY TRAINING – short synopsis


What we’ll learn:

We’ll learn why and how we get stuck in the stress/overwhelm loop and how to break out of the loop by building our resiliency capacity muscles!


Who is the course for:

This course is designed for those with limited time, but still want to meaningfully address their stress, overwhelm and/or burnout and for those that could benefit from building the #1 critical leadership capacity (resiliency) for 2022 and beyond, this course is for you!


How it works:

Through learning and experiential practices we break old stress habit patterns that keep us trapped in the stress/overwhelm loop and build new resilient habit patterns – literally rewiring our brain. That’s why I call it Resiliency Training – we’re building a new muscle – our resilience muscle!


Why take this course:

Because what you have been doing isn’t helping. Resiliency Training is your nourishing break – a calm in the storm…a place to slow down, regroup, restore and retrain your brain for resiliency.

Your nervous system isn’t designed to cope effectively with the complexity and crisis in the world today. What once kept us safe from tigers is now keeping us in a constant stress state that leads to burnout and general overwhelm.

Resiliency Training will help you:

  •  > lower your base-line level of stress & general sense of overwhelm
  •  > reduce the frequency that you get mentally or emotionally triggered
  •  > reduce the amount of time it takes to recover from a triggering event
  •  > BONUS: have more moments of joy in each day

You’ll get back the power to stay connected to what matters most and experience the freedom that comes with taking action, i.e. get yourself out of that pot before it boils!

What does Resiliency Training Self-Guided Course include?

==>>  We’ll cover 10 key learnings to build awareness of what is happening to us and why we’re stuck in burnout, stress and overwhelm – because knowing is half the battle, right?

==>>  You’ll experience 13 exercises that are designed to break the stress/overwhelm loop

==>>  8 weeks of practice we call ‘FIELD WORK’ to build that resiliency muscle


How much does Resiliency Training cost & what are my options if I want to get a deeper experience?


Online Self-Guided Course:

+ All 10 Learning Modules
+ 13 Resiliency Building Exercises
+ Workbook
+ Fieldwork Templates

= TOTAL INVESTMENT $199 (to enroll now, scroll back to the top & click on the ENROLL THIS COURSE button)




3 Session 1:1 Coaching Customized Support Upgrade with Ellen:

+ Get customized support to 1)  kick-off the course & build your understanding 2) deepen your experience mid-way & 3) set you up for long-term resiliency
+ Online course FREE! ($199 value)
+ $999 coaching ($1,050 value)

= TOTAL INVESTMENT $999 ($250 savings) Click here to purchase


10 Session 1:1 Coaching Experiential Super-Upgrade with Ellen:

+ Online course FREE ($199 value)!
+ 8 1:1 Sessions to experience each lesson live with Ellen at a 12% package discount ($2,800 value)
+ 2 1:1 Sessions to open/close the training FREE ($700 value)!

= TOTAL INVESTMENT $2,464 ($1,235 savings) Click here to purchase


*Resiliency Training is not intended to be a substitute for medical or therapeutic advice.



  • 10 Sections
  • 29 Lessons
  • Lifetime
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Ellen Palmer

Ellen here. I'm a regenerative leadership coach helping female leaders in climate and energy transform themselves to transform the world. I'm the coach for you because I've been there: over-achiever, purpose-driven, female leader working in climate and energy. Dedicating my life to creating a better world for all because I know everything we hold dear depends on it. I've also been studying human potential my entire life and in my own search for an authentic fulfillment, I've turned to what I do best, empower change-makers to actualize their visions. My background in leadership, strategy, performance, and employee development & happiness paired with human potential and coach training makes me the perfect partner and guide on the journey into your highest potential.

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